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MSFG GLOBAL d.o.o., the authorized distributor of SYNOT, has reached a significant milestone

    Uzbudljive vijesti iz MSFG GLOBAL d.o.o.!
    Oduševljeni smo što možemo podijeliti da je MSFG GLOBAL d.o.o., ovlašteni distributer za Hrvatsku i Crnu Goru cijenjenog češkog proizvođača automata SYNOT, dosegao značajnu prekretnicu.

    Jedan od najpopularnijih gaming klubova u Zagrebu, REBUY STARS, potpisao je ugovor o proširenju trenutne ponude SYNOT automata, točnije Eclipse FL 32, na svom gaming flooru.
    Nevjerojatno, samo jedan dan nakon početne instalacije, svjedočili smo porastu interesa igrača za SYNOT igre. Ovaj entuzijastični odgovor naveo je našeg cijenjenog klijenta da odluči povećati raznolikost ponuda dostupnih svojim igračima.
    Ovo partnerstvo ne samo da naglašava rastuću potražnju za inovativnim rješenjima za igre, već također jača našu predanost poboljšanju iskustva igara u regiji. Radujemo se nastavku naše suradnje s REBUY STARS-om i donošenju uzbudljivijih mogućnosti igranja igračima u Hrvatskoj i Crnoj Gori!
    hashtag#MSFGGLOBAL hashtag#SYNOT hashtag#GamingIndustry hashtag#Zagreb hashtag#Partnership hashtag#Innovation

    Exciting News from MSFG GLOBAL d.o.o.! We are thrilled to share that MSFG GLOBAL d.o.o., the authorized distributor for Croatia and Montenegro of the esteemed Czech slot machine manufacturer SYNOT, has reached a significant milestone. ​

    One of the most popular gaming clubs in Zagreb, REBUY STARS, has signed an agreement to expand its current offering of SYNOT slot machines, specifically the Eclipse FL 32, on its gaming floor. Remarkably, just one day after the initial installation, we witnessed a surge in player interest in SYNOT games. This enthusiastic response has led our valued client to decide to increase the variety of offerings available to their players. This partnership not only highlights the growing demand for innovative gaming solutions but also reinforces our commitment to enhancing the gaming experience in the region. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with REBUY STARS and bringing more exciting gaming options to players in Croatia and Montenegro! hashtag#MSFGGLOBAL hashtag#SYNOT hashtag#GamingIndustry hashtag#Zagreb hashtag#Partnership hashtag#Innovation​